ABOUT Fountain Ministry
Fountain Ministry is a personal, internet-based ministry of Sibusiso K. Nkabinde. The author is an individual born again Christian. The purpose of the site is to spread the Gospel and to allow people on the Internet who may not otherwise have exposure to the Gospel to get essential information on God’s Kingdom and to give them an opportunity to achieve salvation through Jesus Christ.
The author relies on Scriptures as contained in the Bible as the basis for the statements made in the material published. The relevant Scriptures are indicated in each instance. The reader is advised to verify for himself the accuracy of the statements made in the material by reading the relevant Scriptural passages. The author is not an expert on the Bible and the material on the website only represents his understanding of the applicability of the Scriptures to the various topics discussed.
The content of the articles is meant to be as free from doctrine as possible. This site is non-denominational. The reader is encouraged to join any Bible based church of their choice in their vicinity.
The Scriptures referred to under each topic or subject matter are not exhaustive of all Scriptures that may be relevant to the subject matter. In the event that any errors or misstatements are made in the material, please be kind enough to contact Fountain Ministry and point these out. Please also make contact should you have any other comments you wish to convey.
If you know of someone who has not yet received Christ into their life, please forward them a link to this site by using the e-mail facility above every article (top right). Follow us on Twitter and on Facebook.
To God only be all the glory! He is good and His mercy endures forever.